
I am joining Kathy from You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out for Song-Ography – combine song and picture together.


This week’s prompt is:  “Look Out Any Window” by Bruce  Hornsby

Look out any window
Look out any open door
Look out any window
See what’s going on in the world around you

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Look out, look out for the big boys
Telling you everything they’re gonna do
Look out, look out for the fat cat builder man
Turning this into a wasteland

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Look out, look out for the back room boys
That say the smokw is gonna blow away
Look out, look out for the men who say it’s okay
Sitting in a building far away


P.S. This is a brief pic story about I-85/I-485 Interchange in northeast Charlotte which is modified to so-called a turbine interchange. This turbine interchange utilizes smaller, single-span bridges, smaller columns and flatter roadway profiles but took down all neighborhoods, llama farm, and a lot of forest.

10 thoughts on “Song-ography

  1. Your images are so well reflected in the lyrics or perhaps the other way around. Sadly often progress requires destruction – a difficult balance.

  2. Yes, I always feel that construction is a mainstay of what I see around me. Some of good, and some of it bad. I’m always saddened by the trees being taken down for new retail.

  3. Well, this is sad. And also fits the song perfectly. I hope you have other areas around you that are still more rural. I’ve driven through Virginia and love visiting there. And the trees and countryside are so beautiful in my memory.

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